[et-mgmt-tools] cobbler 0.8 - --virt-bridge0= option unknown?

Jens Ahrens jensampol at yahoo.de
Fri Feb 22 15:08:01 UTC 2008

Hi everybody,

i'm trying to install a system with 2 NICs with
cobbler (cobbler-0.8.0-1.fc7) running on FC7.

When adding a profile or system using options like

cobbler complains saying:
Usage: cobbler system add  [ARGS]

cobbler: error: no such option: --virt-bridge0

here is an example line:
cobbler system add --name=testsys
--virt-bridge0=xenbr0 --virt-bridge1=xenbr1
--ip0=192.168.1.x ip1=192.168.2.x 
--hostname=testsystem.privnet.de  --netboot-enabled=Y

In the man pages of cobbler these options exist, so
why doesn't cobler want to accept them?

Thanks for any help,

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