[et-mgmt-tools] cobbler-0.6.5-3.el4 - xen virt trouble

Tom Brown tom at ng23.net
Mon Feb 25 12:48:16 UTC 2008


I am still having issues trying to get xen based VM's running, here is 
what i have done so far.

Have cobbler build a x86_64 machine with the xen kernel etc 2.6.18-53.el5xen

Create a xen based profile so that i can install a xen system

cobbler profile add --name=RHEL4-u5-xen-i386 --distro=RHEL4-u5-xen-i386 

Then create a system in cobbler to use this profile

cobbler system add --name=virtbox --hostname=virtbox --ip= 
--subnet= --gateway= --profile=RHEL4-u5-xen-i386

Then on the machine that i built using cobbler use koan to do the following

koan --virt --server= --system=virtbox

This appears to work fine

- using kickstart from cobbler:
- no virt-type specified, auto-selecting xenpv
libvirt_qemud (pid 2345) is running...
downloading initrd initrd.img to /var/lib/xen/initrd.img
- using kickstart from cobbler:
downloading kernel vmlinuz to /var/lib/xen/vmlinuz
- using kickstart from cobbler:
Kernel arguments: 
ksdevice=eth0 lang=  kssendmac syslog= text
use virt-manager or reconnect with virsh console virtbox

as i can see that the virt box is created but it only ever shows as 

# virsh
Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.

Type:  'help' for help with commands
       'quit' to quit

virsh # list
 Id Name                 State
  0 Domain-0             running
  4 virtbox              blocked

Any ideas here to what i am doing wrong?


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