[et-mgmt-tools] Cobbler Server OS recommendations

Tom Brown tom at ng23.net
Wed Mar 19 22:35:46 UTC 2008

> Yes, fullvirt installs for koan need PXE capability, so your guests 
> (the pieces that run koan) would need to be F8 for Fedora ... not 
> entirely
> sure what RHEL contains/will-contains this.   I may do something to 
> make tracking/transferance of the rescue CD image easier to allow this 
> usage on older distros, but right now you need a version of the tools 
> that supports kicking of Xen installs over PXE for FV (unless it's 
> KVM, where that's not required).
> We don't care about the Cobbler OS in that case, just the koan OS.

ok so you are saying the dom0 needs to be F8 to have full virt domU's ?

i need to be able to install RHEL4 u5 domU's and so far these can only 
be para virt's if my dom0's are RHEL5 u1 and i need them to be full virt.


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