Ext3 patch against 2.4.9-ac10?

Christian evilninja at gmx.net
Thu Aug 17 17:30:07 UTC 2006

On Wed, August 16, 2006 21:03, Kieft, Brian wrote:
> Does anyone know if there's a patch out there for 2.4.9-ac10?

hm, there is http://www.zip.com.au/~akpm/linux/ext3/
but the "ext3-2.4-0.9.9-249ac9.gz" should do it for -ac10 too. but it's
gone and even archive.org does not have it any more. (why are these
patches deleted anyway? is it diskspace shortage? deleted by accident?)

> I'm investigating what's involved to go from ext2 to 3.

...but perhaps if you're a bit more specific, some ext3-guru here might help.

BOFH excuse #442:

Trojan horse ran out of hay

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