Fedora Board Elections

Max Spevack mspevack at redhat.com
Mon Nov 26 16:31:26 UTC 2007

As you all know, the Fedora Board consists of 9 seats -- 5 appointed by 
Red Hat and 4 elected by the community.

After Fedora 7's release, 6 of those 9 seats rotated -- 3 appointed and 
3 elected.

Now that Fedora 8 has been released, the other 3 seats need to rotate -- 
2 of the appointed ones, and 1 elected seat.

Bill Nottingham is going to remain on the Fedora Board in an appointed 
seat.  The second appointment will be made soon -- Chris Blizzard has 
stepped aside from the Fedora Board, and we are looking at a couple of 
different ideas for his seat.

We only have 1 elected seat open this time around, but I wanted to kick 
off the process for filling it.

Last time, the community elected Dennis Gilmore, Jef Spaleta, and Chris 
Aillon to the Fedora Board -- all superb choices.


The URL above contains all the necessary information.  Nominations are 
open until December 6th.


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