[Fedora-ambassadors-list] Fedora work in Sweden!

Mikael Jacobsson info at kampnytt.com
Fri Feb 3 14:14:32 UTC 2006

Hello mates ;)

I have a Fedora website up and running now. The base feels done, now i
need to translate as much as possible. Currently i am translating the
installation guide for FC4. After that i am going to translate stuff
like "managing software with yum" and other stuff from both
fedora.redhat.com and fedoraproject.org.

If there are any ambassadors that are involved in any specific projects,
for example some kind of software project for fedora core, please let me
know. I want to have descriptions of as many projects as possible at my

If anyone have any suggestions on things to translate and publish, or
whatever, tell me... please... im all alone here ;)

website can be found at: http://fedora.kampnytt.com (i finally choose
xoop, mainly because other ambassadors seemes to use it, and it feels
good enough)

Now to something really frustrating. Ubuntu users are infecting the
Swedish community. Instead of helpning beginners with whatever distro
they have installed, these creepy ubuntu users convince the beginners to
 install ubuntu...

I am trying my best to promote Fedora Core, but also not to look down on
someone that have chosen another distro. Yesterday a beginner came to a
swedish linuxcommunity and had some software installation issues with
mandriva. A solution to his problem was easy, but instead they tricked
him to change distro to Ubuntu.

Its hard to be alone and fight this "infection" ;)

Ubuntu ships cds free all over the world to any one who wants it. The
deliverytime is a bit slow. Its produced cds where you get one install
cd and one livecd...
I feel that we in the Fedora community needs to start making Fedora
avaible in more ways. We really need a working and complete livecd for
either download och shipping.

Well, im going to continue my translating work.

Until next time..

Mikael Jacobsson

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