[Fedora-ambassadors-list] Education

Hornain Frederic Frederic.Hornain at GB.BE
Wed Feb 8 19:48:36 UTC 2006

Dear Rahul, Alex, Greg and All,

Just to keep you in touch about "Fedora Education".
Following my previous mails and as planned I have been contacted by Mr Richard Barbosa from Red Hat EMEA - rbarbosa - in order to explain what "Fedora Education is". So now, I have a contact at Red Hat for the "Red Hat Academy" and he has a contact for the "Fedora Education". We can work together in order to deploy Linux at School.

BTW, I gave him Rahul, your email address. I think it should not be problem by the fact you are working for the same company, aren't you ?

If you are students or If you want to join the Fedora Education feel free to fill the URL : http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Education
You are welcome.

Finally, I have to add  some information at this URL.

Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestion or remarks about "Fedora Education".

Best Regards
Belgian Ambassador

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