[Fedora-ambassadors-list] Be a critique

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Tue Feb 21 13:44:25 UTC 2006

Am Dienstag, den 21.02.2006, 18:58 +0530 schrieb Tejas Dinkar:
> On Tue, 2006-02-21 at 18:32 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> > What is the best criticisms that you can put forward on areas that Fedora needs to 
> > improve? How do we improve on those?
> Well, I know that I'll get flamed for this,

Here I am. :-)

>  but fedora does not work on
> my laptop for one reason. The battery module does work, and it often
> causes the kernel to panic all together.
> The fedora kernel auto loads modules of bootup, so it really can't
> detect that my battery will cause a panic if you try to load it.
> What I think, is it would be really cool if we could make
> a /boot/kernel.banned, with a list of modules the kernel should
> absolutely not try to load.


alias foo=off

to /etc/modprobe.conf .Done ;-)

(untested, but should work iirc)


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