[Fedora-ambassadors-list] meeting for all Ambassadors

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh at fedoraproject.org
Fri Feb 24 01:38:38 UTC 2006

> I don't think it's something we should be wasting our time on. You will more
> that likely eventually meet any ambassadors nearby, and open source does not
> need us to meet. It won't improve the software, the marketing, or how we
> operate.

It might strengthen our relationship.

ok I propose something but It might be difficult to push forward. But
not impossible.

In june 23-25, there will be an open-source event in Strasbourg, France.
Strasbourg is a nice little city where there is the European Parliament :)
Strasbourg is more or less in the center of Europe.(20 mins by bus to Germany)

Ambassadors,(european) can come to promote Fedora during this event,
hence the Steering Community might help use financially. At the same
time, Gerold and I will try to act as tourist guides after event
I can make you visit Strasbourg :: la choucroute, bier (yes la bière)
and tarte flambée
Gerold might show us the nearby german town/village next to Strasbourg.


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