[Fedora-ambassadors-list] Mono in Fedora

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at redhat.com
Tue Jan 10 16:36:21 UTC 2006

Roozbeh Pournader wrote:

>I am getting questions left and right from colleagues about what really
>happened with Mono. Were we spreading FUD when we were telling people
>that it has hidden legal problems and Fedora can't really use it?
I dont think you will get any additional details here other than the 
ones that can be discussed in any of the other public lists which is 
pretty limited. The best explanation.  (which is admittedly hazy ) you 
can probably get is this - http://www.0xdeadbeef.com/?p=159

Anything legal or business sensitive is probably going to remain a 
blackbox communicated from the counsel/project members to the community 
in a abrupt manner. The project on the whole cannot act on community 
consensus on this as compared to the other coding and development issues 
since the laws a  defy "common sense" in many occasions. If you have any 
ideas on how to communicate better taking into consideration the legal 
(litigation happy industry and region) as well as business concerns, I 
am all ears.

>I feel that I will hear more of these questions as an Ambassador, people
>asking me what the @#$% happened. To quote Seth Vidal from irc: "[this]
>makes those of us who have been saying 'fedora can't have mono' look
>I guess we somehow need to explain this to people, and we don't have
>enough information for that.
Any explanation you can come up with is as good as mine, seriously.


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