[Ambassadors] Installation Notes

Marc Wiriadisastra marc at mwiriadi.id.au
Fri Nov 10 01:09:02 UTC 2006

A few questions I've come up against are installation notes and how to
do it.  While I think its intuitive a lot of the questions centre around

So far what I've done is pointed the people 'prior' to the install to
the installation notes on the fedoraproject page.  Is there any
suggestion on sending it to them or should we refrain from doing that.

I'm of the opinion that the ambassadors should aid their 'customers' in
installation then point them to the necessary information on the web.

Is there a DVD kit of some sort?  The reason I'm suggesting this is
because if someone sends dvd's with information on getting propietary
drivers this may circumvent what fedora stands for since they are
representing fedora.

Just food for thought and suggestions.



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