New contributor

Chris Rees christopherrees at
Mon Apr 28 00:16:41 UTC 2008

Hi.  I'm Chris.

I just recently started using linux and I enjoy modifying the way that the desktop looks by incorporating my own graphics.  I wanted to get involved in this because I like the atmosphere in sharing.

When I was young I used to enjoy drawing things, conceptualizing things; I just loved art.  I havn't done many drawings lately, but when I was younger I used to sketch alot of things, mostly landscapes and personal portraits.  

As for real-world experience with graphical art, I don't really have much, but I can use GIMP, Inkscape and other tools with relative ease and I enjoy doing so.

Also, I am somewhat of a musician (guitar and other instruments) although I don't know if that skillset is valuable to this project.  I hope it is.


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