R: Re: R: Re: Round 3 theme and fedora-fr community

Samuele Storari sstorari at byte-code.com
Tue Sep 23 12:54:34 UTC 2008

David... Yes I admit... I stoled it.
Say to your friend that now he can come to me to get back his own katana. :D


----- Messaggio originale -----
Da: "David Nielsen" <gnomeuser at gmail.com>
A: "Discussions about the artwork included with Fedora, including icons, themes, and wallpapers." <fedora-art-list at redhat.com>
Inviato: Martedì, 23 settembre 2008 14:41:48 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam/Berlino/Berna/Roma/Stoccolma/Vienna
Oggetto: Re: R: Re: Round 3 theme and fedora-fr community

2008/9/23 Nicu Buculei < nicu_fedora at nicubunu.ro > 

Samuele Storari wrote: 

Part of my idea come from part of that image. YES 
But the desktop was created by USING free source and this is the last time I will say it. 

The Hattory Hanzo katana is a katana u know a katana. 

Katana is for most similar: 

Trying to hod myself from exclaiming "no shit?" 

And yet.. 

The Hilt AGAIN is not the hattory hanzo hilt cos as u can see is for most similar to other thousand katana's hilt. 

What can I say? rotate the image 180 degrees and the resemblance is, uh..., uncanny: http://fedora.nicubunu.ro/invinxible.ogv 

...it surprises you that an iconic image of a katana which he already admitted to using as inspiration contains a katana of a similar design.. when katanas are pretty much the same, I mean it looks exactly like the replica my friend has hanging on his wall as well, will you accuse him of stealing that as well? 

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Byte-Code srl
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