build system glue scripts and requirements

seth vidal skvidal at
Fri Mar 18 06:52:32 UTC 2005

hi folks,
 So right now I think things with mach and yum are working for building
fedora extras. The packages _seem_ like they're coming out right and
things seem functional enough. The second part that I need help and
input on is the glue scripts and requirements for having automatic
triggering of builds for packagers.

The questions I have:
  1. if this is meant to run on the red hat boxes in the PHX coloc, what
does that infrastructure look like? What features does it have? Can we
assume all the build boxes have access to the cvs tree? Do we need to
worry about pushing srpms around?
  2. How do folks want packagers to send notices about builds? Just a
cvs tag? A webpage? A gpg-signed email with specific content? A custom
xmpp/jabber-client to send a custom message to a listening build client
across an xmpp infrastructure? :)
  3. What things am I missing or not understanding about what is needed
from the build system? The requirements I've been working under
    - self hosting on Fedora Core
    - not crazy
  What else do I need to think about? 
  4. Who else is interested in working on this and getting things
progressing more? The yum changes to mach are just a hackjob to get a
problem solved for the short term. However, I'd like to continue down
this general line of development. so <buffy>Where do we go from


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