build system glue scripts and requirements

Matthias Saou thias at
Fri Mar 18 08:50:02 UTC 2005

seth vidal wrote :

>   1. if this is meant to run on the red hat boxes in the PHX coloc, what
> does that infrastructure look like? What features does it have? Can we
> assume all the build boxes have access to the cvs tree? Do we need to
> worry about pushing srpms around?

I'd guess that the lookaside cache is there exactly to avoid any srpm
upload, and use it + the CVS instead.

>   2. How do folks want packagers to send notices about builds? Just a
> cvs tag? A webpage? A gpg-signed email with specific content? A custom
> xmpp/jabber-client to send a custom message to a listening build client
> across an xmpp infrastructure? :)

Yeah, a "jabber bot"! :-D
For me, the easiest would be to trigger a build directly from a form on a
web page. Ideally, be able to track the build from the same page too :
Check status, view full build log once finished etc. Sounds easy, but most
certainly isn't, especially if we plan on supporting other archs than i386/
x86_64 since it'll mean de-centralized builds.

>   3. What things am I missing or not understanding about what is needed
> from the build system? The requirements I've been working under
> are/were:
>     - self hosting on Fedora Core
>     - not crazy
>   What else do I need to think about? 

Depending on the answers to the questions above, all the flow between how/
when a packager requests a build, and how/when the packages appear in the
ftp tree will need to be thought out. Hmm, "not crazy", you say? :-)

>   4. Who else is interested in working on this and getting things
> progressing more? The yum changes to mach are just a hackjob to get a
> problem solved for the short term. However, I'd like to continue down
> this general line of development. so <buffy>Where do we go from
> here?</buffy>

I still haven't had time to try out your modified mach2, but definitely
want to, and want to adopt it since it'll solve all the small annoyances
related to using apt (requiring the metadata, having all cached file names
mangled). Keep up the good work Seth, it's much appreciated! As for the
exact direction to take, it'll depend on RH official answers, what can and
cannot be done with the build server(s).


Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :
Fedora Core release 3 (Heidelberg) - Linux kernel 2.6.10-1.770_FC3
Load : 0.01 0.18 0.61

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