New version of mock working (I think)

Clark Williams williams at
Mon Jun 26 21:22:14 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Dan Williams wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-06-23 at 13:40 -0500, Michael_E_Brown at wrote:
>> Any chance we could get a better defined method of mock<->plague
>> communication? Parsing output is bound to be fragile and hard to
>> maintain.
> Yup.  Quite right.  And I've had problems in the past with the reads of
> the file blocking (since you evidently can't do NONBLOCK on filesystem
> file sockets or something either?) and hanging the plague-builder
> process until more data gets written to the file.  So as a quick hack
> plague-builder will only read & match the first 4 characters of the
> status string anyway.
> I'd rather not read the status file either.  Any ideas that don't suck
> would be greatly appreciated.

After being convinced that calling out with XML-RPC from mock wouldn't
trigger a nuclear winter, I went back to read Dan's request and think
about it in the context of making an XML-RPC to the build-server.

If we presuppose that mock will make XML-RPC's to a URL supplied by
the build system to indicate status changes, would it make sense to
send the complete list of status's to the build system before we
start? In other words, when we crank up, make an initial call to the
status URL with "Here is the list of status values you can receive",
maybe as a list of strings or a hash with descriptive text.

This would give the build system a mechanism to quickly detect when it
and mock are out-of-sync with respect to state changes (i.e.
brew/plague could receive the state list and abort if it sees a state
change it doesn't understand). Of course it can do that anyway, but
that might be a long while into a glibc build before the build system
sees an unknown state, as opposed to 3 seconds into startup.

Just a thought.


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