Both a .buildstamp and .buildstamp_1 ?!?

Peter Åstrand astrand at
Mon Jan 28 15:08:01 UTC 2008

On Mon, 28 Jan 2008, Joel Andres Granados wrote:

> This is kinda strange.  The buildstamp file gets created by mk-image 
> (anaconda scripts) to create the buildstamp the mk-image script erases 
> buildstamp and then creates a new file.  Additionally I could not find 
> any trace of replacing the name of buildstamp with `buildstamp_$count`.  

Strange it is. I haven't found any traces of buildstamp_$count neither. 

Perhaps I should mention that we are using mksquashfs to append a few 
files to minstg2.img. I'm certain that .buildstamp is not one of those, 
but perhaps we are looking at some kind of mksquashfs bug. 

> What are you using to make your tree?  on what is your distro based on, 
> fedora, centos?  what versions? 

Pungi, Fedora 8. 

> I *think* what is happenning is that you are compossing on top of an 
> already composed tree, and your compose tool does not want to replace 
> the existing .buildstamp file, so it makes another with a similar name.  
> I could be wrong though. In any case you should check the compose tool 
> and the anconda scritps from the version you are using.

Another theory is that there's a name clash in /tmp. It seems like Pungi 
and the other tools does not clean up its build directories. Instead, they 
are left to tmpwatch, which has a 30 day limit by default. So we have 
always have 30 directories of each in /tmp.

I've done another build now and it looks OK. Perhaps we just had bad luck 
and hit the same sequence (pid?) number of an existing dir. 

Peter Åstrand		ThinLinc Chief Developer
Cendio AB
Wallenbergs gata 4
583 30 Linköping	Phone: +46-13-21 46 00

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