Koji End User support

Brian Kosick bkosick at mxlogic.com
Thu Apr 30 21:38:13 UTC 2009

Hi All,

I have koji running great on a single server setup, and have gotten to
go ahead to start rolling it out/letting our dev's play with it.   I
have a question, commands like "koji build dist-el5 SCMURL?pkgname#tip"
work fine on the koji server, but when I install the koji rpm say on my
laptop, I keep getting errors like:

 koji build dist-el5 SCMURL?pkg#tip
Unable to log in, no authentication methods available

My user certs have not changed, and my $HOME is NFS roaming so it's the
same on the Koji Server and on the "dev" laptop, and the user SSL Certs
are in the same location.

I do not want to set this up to be a "builder" box that actually does
the builds, I want to install on a DEV laptop and have them be able to
call a koji build from there, rather than having to login to the koji

I took a look at the Howto's and this sort of config/setup doesn't seem
to be addressed or I just may be dense and missed it.  I would
appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction for this
sort of setup.


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