Keyboard switcher manual set string

Kaspars kaspars at
Fri Jan 14 11:23:48 UTC 2005

Sergey V. Udaltsov wrote:
> Hi
> OK, I finally got it (with clean FC3 installation).
> There is NO \'apostrophe\' variant within xorg latvian
> layout (actually here is only one variant - the basic,
> default one).

Yep, finaly :)

> So you cannot do much about it - but add
> it manually. First you have to modify
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/pc/lv - then, add to the
> <variantList> in xorg.xml. Sorry...

Hmm, and I just understand that default is not:
files. In this page is mention(Mon 26 of Apr, 2004) that it is submited 
to CVS, so I was thinkg that Federa 3 is already with those 
files... So how can somebody put maybe update those files to better use 
of Latvian keyboard? Most of Latvians use it, how I understand Debian is 
now using it too etc. And add option to Keyboard Indicator to have 
apostrophe option of dead key, most of Latvian use it (I think 90%).


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