[fedora-java] Building RPM's with Java alternatives

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Fri Jan 6 13:24:38 UTC 2006

I have the Sun JDK installed on FC2 using the -compat package from JPackage 
and I'm trying to rebuild the new subversion-1.3.0-2 SRPM. I get a bunch of 
compile errors for the javahl subpackage from what appear to be header 
incompatibilities. Has anyone tried this?

(I had to patch the subversion spec file to use the more generic link to 
the JDK and to set the BuildRequires to the generic JDK-compat Provides 
instead of the gcj-specific one.)

I'll reply back to this thread as I learn more, with more details about 
exactly what is happening. I just wanted to see if anyone else has tried 
substituting the Sun JDK for gcj and run into something similar.

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