question about RedHat/Fedora and the GPL

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at
Wed Jun 8 12:20:27 UTC 2005

On Mer 8 juin 2005 8:41, condition terminal a écrit :

> So ignore a potentional violation because someone else is planning to
> do the same thing, but better?

There is _no_ violation.

If I had to guess 90% of the problems you have in reproducing Red Hat
builds is because of non-deterministic parts of beehive like in what order
packages where queued by humans on the server, what was considered "core
packages" at one point in time, incorrect/incomplete spec dependencies.

If you want a totally deterministic and reproduceable system contribute
one I'm sure Red Hat will be delighted to use it (not because they have to
legally, but because they'd be mad not to)

In other words : if the current tools suck it's not intentional and having
them public will not make them suck less. Especially since there is
already a public rewrite going on because Red Hat engineers (which have
seen beehive internals) declared it a dead end for Fedora Extras (at

Nicolas Mailhot

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