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Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Wed May 24 18:29:09 UTC 2006

Tomasz Kłoczko (kloczek at zie.pg.gda.pl) said: 
> > Seriously, you will then have reports from lots of users -
> > "this software doesn't build on Fedora! Fedora sucks, I'm using
> > Ubuntu."  Upstream maintainers who don't care about these things
> > will just pile on, saying "Why use Fedora? This is just like
> > gcc-2.96 all over again."
> write patch for remove <foo>-config script -> introduce this in distro
> resources and in the same moment submit this to <foo> package maintainer
> with some technical argumentation "why it will good remove this" (one
> reason we know .. it is bad multilib behavior) for include this in main
> source tree.

That doesn't help those packages' users, which is the whole point.

> > If we want to have the foo-config scripts warn, sure. Possibly
> > even patch our own Core & Extras packages. But randomly breaking
> > third-party software so it won't build isn't really practical.
> I'm start from fribidi. OK. Lets look on some facts. Where it library is
> used ? abiword ? (in all other cases applications are using fibidi
> embeded in pango) huh .. where in this case is *real* problem ?

All other cases? Do you know the extent of all fribidi using
software that exists (not just Core/Extras)?


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