F9 Feature Process

Matthias Clasen mclasen at redhat.com
Tue Nov 6 00:45:38 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-11-05 at 16:37 -0800, John Poelstra wrote:

> Then there were a couple of features where the feature was approved, 
> nothing happened with it and then it was dropped because the owner said 
> it wasn't really considered a feature... 

I hope that the nicely done F8 release summary will really drive home
the value of doing the feature tracking and more people will come
forward to do some advertising for the stuff they are doing.
Just comparing the numbers, the recently published feature list for the
next Ubuntu release was some 130 items long, while I currently see ~10
items in CategoryFeatureFedora9. Admittedly, there is probably some 75%
or so in the Ubuntu list that is just hot air or nice ideas that will
never get done, but still...


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