Merging totem and totem-xine

Peter Gordon peter at
Wed Oct 10 06:14:21 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-10-09 at 21:00 -0400, Stewart Adam wrote:
> "The gstreamer backend is the Fedora default and uses gstreamer codecs
> to play multimedia files."
> "The xine backend uses the xine codecs to play multimedia files. The
> xine backend, among other things, support DVD menus."

While I think your idea about these descriptions is good, it seems
entirely infeasible, mainly because Xine as shipped in Fedora does _not_
support DVD menus. Though you can install non-Free codecs from wThat
Other Repository(TM) which grant this ability to Xine-using
applications, the fact remains that if we say something about features
that a program supports, we want it to be true "out of the box" or with
as little configuration necessary to achieve the goal. 

Again, I don't believe it is right to say it supports DVD menus when it
does not as-is in Fedora; however, I like your idea of contrasting
features in the description.
Peter Gordon (codergeek42)
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