Help with packaging igraph (stuck on debuginfo)

Roland McGrath roland at
Thu Jan 24 11:41:31 UTC 2008

> No, I _did_ get rid of included copy.  The problem is, python-igraph has
> re-used the same path name.  Both have a igraph-%{version}/src/error.c, but
> they are _different_ files.
> I think there are 2 options, but I don't know how to implement either one:
> 1) Build into python-igraph instead of igraph.  

Yes, just use a better top-level directory name for the build tree.
Something like:

	%setup -c -a0

	make %{?_smp_mflags} -C igraph-%{version}

Then you should have %{_builddir}/python-igraph-%{version}/igraph-%{version}
and /usr/src/debug/python-igraph-NNN/igraph-NNN/src/foo.c in the debuginfo rpm.

> 2) Find some way to fix debuginfo

Eventually it will change so that this conflict is avoided automatically.
But not soon enough, for complex reasons.


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