Fedora Project, give me 20 Million Euros or Free EDA software

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Thu Feb 5 20:12:07 UTC 2009

Le jeudi 05 février 2009 à 13:21 -0600, Matthew Woehlke a écrit :
> [...]

1. you ignore or turn a blind eye to many native package properties and
to what packagers do in addition to producing rpm files

2. all your arguments apply in one form or another to a large part of
what you consider "legitimate software", and you've been told so many

3. core+extras, autopackage, direct CPAN use are all (mild) forms of
what you advocate and the project already decided not to go those ways

4. but you don't really want to admit that, because you're only
rationalising prejudices, and call for Fedora censorship of its
community contributions to support them

5. I don't have a cluestick big enough to hit you with, so I'll just
continue to annoy you by contributing work you don't care about to the

Nicolas Mailhot
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