Fedora (Linux) is Destroying it self

Chris Adams cmadams at hiwaay.net
Fri May 15 01:47:52 UTC 2009

Once upon a time, Nathan Grennan <fedora-devel-list at cygnusx-1.org> said:
>   Their use cases are also so different. A lot of laptop work revolves 
> around running off a battery. Desktops don't have a real need for that. 
> Another issue is things like cpu scaling. On a laptop this makes sense. 
> In my experience on a desktop it noticeably reduces performance. I might 
> be willing to make that trade off on a laptop, but not a desktop.

Power management also makes lots of sense on a desktop.  My desktop
systems run a lot cooler because of it; my main system runs with the CPU
fan stopped (cooler and quieter) most of the time due to CPU scaling.

Chris Adams <cmadams at hiwaay.net>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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