[Fedora-directory-devel] Please Review: (450989) memberOf: Make group and memberOf attributes configurable

Nathan Kinder nkinder at redhat.com
Thu Jun 12 04:21:35 UTC 2008

Resolves: bug 450989
Bug Description: The memberOf plug-in is currently hardcoded to use
  the "member" and "memberOf" attributes for group membership.  These
  attributes should be configurable.
Reviewed by: ???
Files: see diff
Branch: HEAD
Fix Description: The fix allows these attributes to be configured in the 
  configuration entry.  The configuration can be dynamically changed 
over LDAP
  with the server running.  We ensure that the configuration doesn't 
change while
  a memberOf operation is in progress by obtaining the memberOf lock 
while the
  changes are applied.  I also made the filter that is used to check if 
a group
  membership change is made a part of the configuration struct since it 
is based
  off of one of the configurable attributes.

  In addition to the above changes, I removed an unnecessary function 
that was
  wrapping slapi_str2filter().  The previous code was doing a malloc of 
the filter
  string, needlessly duplicating the string, then creating the 
Slapi_Filter (which
  does a malloc as well).  The two copies of the filter string were then 
  free'd.  This was inefficient, so I removed the wrapper function so 
that we
  simply malloc the filter string and pass it to slapi_str2filter() to 
  the Slapi_Filter.  This saves us one malloc/free.
Platforms tested: F9 i386
Flag Day: No.
Doc impact: Yes, the config attributes will need to be doc'd.
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