[389-users] Consumer failed to replay change

Brodie, Kent brodie at mcw.edu
Thu Oct 22 15:48:33 UTC 2009

OK.   Further research--   it appears I have an issue with
"passwordretrycount" not replicating--  which apparently (did some
searches..) is a problem others have had, when the directory services is
set up in a replicating fashion (multi-master in my case).   Has to do
with global password policy settings, and what is allowed to replicate--
or not.

I found the offending entry (passwordretrycount existed for the user on
one node, not the other) and deleted it.

My question now is:   What's the correct solution to this?   Forum
postings I've found thus far are unclear.  

Any ideas appreciated!   --Kent

PS:  Thanks for the tons of help, I learned a lot today on debugging
this stuff for future issues...

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