3 commits - en-US/Package_Notes.xml

Karsten Wade quaid at fedoraproject.org
Thu Oct 16 09:59:14 UTC 2008

 en-US/Package_Notes.xml |   48 +++---------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 656a5d46099c2f4120430d3d318825ad88ccf537
Author: Karsten 'quaid' Wade <kwade at calliope.phig.org>
Date:   Tue Oct 14 22:17:33 2008 -0700

    Revert "Revert "Some small additional XML changes that had to sneak in to get a clean commit.""
    This reverts commit 187bca2b4a543b2d6b30ec38b6d2b4404605afb0.

diff --git a/en-US/X_Window_System_-_Graphics.xml b/en-US/X_Window_System_-_Graphics.xml
index e5304d6..cd4fe9e 100644
--- a/en-US/X_Window_System_-_Graphics.xml
+++ b/en-US/X_Window_System_-_Graphics.xml
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd">
-<chapter lang="en">
+<chapter lang="en" id="X_Window_System_-_Graphics">
   <title>X Window System - Graphics</title>
   <para>This section contains information related to the X Window System
     implementation, X.Org, provided with Fedora.</para>
-  <section id="">
-    <title>X Configuration Changes </title>
+  <section id="X_Configuration_Changes">
+    <title>X Configuration Changes</title>
     <para>Fedora 10 uses the <programlisting
 	format="linespecific">evdev</programlisting> input driver as
       standard mouse and keyboard driver for the X server. This driver
       works with HAL to provide a persistent per-device configuration
       that allows devices to be added or removed at runtime.</para>
-  <section id="">
-    <title>Third-party Video Drivers </title>
+  <section id="Third-party_Video_Drivers">
+    <title>Third-party Video Drivers</title>
     <para>Refer to the Xorg third-party drivers page for detailed
       guidelines on using third-party video drivers.</para>
@@ -22,12 +22,11 @@
-  <section id="">
-    <title>Resources </title>
+  <section id="Resources">
+    <title>Resources</title>
-	url="http://who-t.blogspot.com/2008/07/input-configuration-in-nutshell.html">http://who-t.blogspot.com/2008/07/input-configuration-in-nutshell.html</ulink> 
-      -- Evdev configuration.</para>
+	url="http://who-t.blogspot.com/2008/07/input-configuration-in-nutshell.html">http://who-t.blogspot.com/2008/07/input-configuration-in-nutshell.html</ulink> -- Evdev configuration.</para>

commit 187bca2b4a543b2d6b30ec38b6d2b4404605afb0
Author: Karsten 'quaid' Wade <kwade at calliope.phig.org>
Date:   Tue Oct 14 22:17:01 2008 -0700

    Revert "Some small additional XML changes that had to sneak in to get a clean commit."
    This reverts commit d30078535c1aa45cb64f810f9ded523dbcd20780.

diff --git a/en-US/X_Window_System_-_Graphics.xml b/en-US/X_Window_System_-_Graphics.xml
index cd4fe9e..e5304d6 100644
--- a/en-US/X_Window_System_-_Graphics.xml
+++ b/en-US/X_Window_System_-_Graphics.xml
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd">
-<chapter lang="en" id="X_Window_System_-_Graphics">
+<chapter lang="en">
   <title>X Window System - Graphics</title>
   <para>This section contains information related to the X Window System
     implementation, X.Org, provided with Fedora.</para>
-  <section id="X_Configuration_Changes">
-    <title>X Configuration Changes</title>
+  <section id="">
+    <title>X Configuration Changes </title>
     <para>Fedora 10 uses the <programlisting
 	format="linespecific">evdev</programlisting> input driver as
       standard mouse and keyboard driver for the X server. This driver
       works with HAL to provide a persistent per-device configuration
       that allows devices to be added or removed at runtime.</para>
-  <section id="Third-party_Video_Drivers">
-    <title>Third-party Video Drivers</title>
+  <section id="">
+    <title>Third-party Video Drivers </title>
     <para>Refer to the Xorg third-party drivers page for detailed
       guidelines on using third-party video drivers.</para>
@@ -22,11 +22,12 @@
-  <section id="Resources">
-    <title>Resources</title>
+  <section id="">
+    <title>Resources </title>
-	url="http://who-t.blogspot.com/2008/07/input-configuration-in-nutshell.html">http://who-t.blogspot.com/2008/07/input-configuration-in-nutshell.html</ulink> -- Evdev configuration.</para>
+	url="http://who-t.blogspot.com/2008/07/input-configuration-in-nutshell.html">http://who-t.blogspot.com/2008/07/input-configuration-in-nutshell.html</ulink> 
+      -- Evdev configuration.</para>

commit c955a8b1d7658583ec3ca3f3ba90211f98702642
Author: Karsten 'quaid' Wade <kwade at calliope.phig.org>
Date:   Tue Oct 14 21:58:10 2008 -0700

    Removed F9 specific content; checking out of band about legal section.
    Somehow missed saving my changes on this file on the wiki side; this brings the XML file in sync with wiki changes.
    The legal section at the end needs to stay for now; I'll email Spot directly to let us know how long to keep it, then put something about that in the wiki comments.

diff --git a/en-US/Package_Notes.xml b/en-US/Package_Notes.xml
index fe1859d..013663c 100644
--- a/en-US/Package_Notes.xml
+++ b/en-US/Package_Notes.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd">
   <article lang="en">
@@ -11,49 +11,7 @@
       <section id="">
         <title>Package Notes</title>
         <para>The following sections contain information regarding software packages that have undergone significant changes for Fedora 10. For easier access, they are generally organized using the same groups that are shown in the installation system. </para>
-        <section id="">
-          <title>Sound Card Utility </title>
-          <para>The <programlisting format="linespecific">system-config-soundcard</programlisting> utility has been removed, due to <ulink url="https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-list/2008-March/msg02148.html"> numerous</ulink>  legacy design and implementation issues. Modern technologies, including udev and the HAL, have made most sound cards work out of the box. Any sound card not working out of the box should be reported as a <ulink url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/"> bug</ulink> . Preferences can still be fine-tuned within the desktop environment, using, among others, the PulseAudio tools.</para>
-        </section><section id="">
-          <title>Perl </title>
-          <para>Fedora 9 now includes Perl 5.10.0, the first "major" release update in perl5 in some time.  The Perl interpreter itself is faster with a smaller memory footprint, and has several UTF-8 and threading improvements. The Perl installation is now relocatable, a blessing for systems administrators and operating system packagers.  Perl 5.10.0 also adds a new smart match operator, a switch statement, named captures, state variables, and better error messages.</para>
-          <para>For more information, refer to:</para>
-          <para>
-            <ulink url="http://perldoc.perl.org/perldelta.html">http://perldoc.perl.org/perldelta.html</ulink>
-          </para>
-        </section><section id="">
-          <title>Yum Changes </title>
-          <para>The <programlisting format="linespecific">installonlyn</programlisting> plugin functionality has been folded into the core <programlisting format="linespecific">yum</programlisting> package. The <programlisting format="linespecific">installonlypkgs</programlisting> and <programlisting format="linespecific">installonly_limit</programlisting> options are used by default to limit the system to retain only two kernel packages. You can adjust the package set or the number of packages, or disable the option entirely to match your preferences. More details is available in the man page for <programlisting format="linespecific">yum.conf</programlisting>.</para><para>The <programlisting format="linespecific">yum</programlisting> command now retries when it detects a lock.  This function is useful if a daemon is checking for updates, or if you are running <programlisting format="linespecific">yum</programlisting> and one of its graphical frontends simultaneously.</para>
 <para>The <programlisting format="linespecific">yum</programlisting> command now understands a cost parameter in its configuration file, which is the relative cost of accessing a software repository.  It is useful for weighing one software repository's packages as greater or less than any other. The cost parameter defaults to 1000, with lower costs given priority.</para><para>In Fedora 9 Rawhide, the <programlisting format="linespecific">/etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-development.repo</programlisting> file has been changed to <programlisting format="linespecific">/etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-rawhide.repo</programlisting>. References to <programlisting format="linespecific">development</programlisting> in <programlisting format="linespecific">fedora-rawhide.repo</programlisting> have been changed to <programlisting format="linespecific">rawhide</programlisting>. Due to the way that RPM deals with configuration files, the existing <programlisting format="linespecific">/etc/yum.repos.d/fed
 ora-development.repo</programlisting> file is saved as <programlisting format="linespecific">/etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-development.repo.rpmsave</programlisting> if it was previously modified. Users of the <programlisting format="linespecific">development</programlisting> repository may need to update scripts and custom configuration files to use the new name.</para>
-        </section><section id="">
-          <title>pam_mount </title>
-          <para> The <programlisting format="linespecific">pam_mount</programlisting> facility now uses a configuration file written in XML.  The <programlisting format="linespecific">/etc/security/pam_mount.conf</programlisting> file will be converted to <programlisting format="linespecific">/etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml</programlisting> during update with <programlisting format="linespecific">/usr/bin/convert_pam_mount_conf.pl</programlisting>, which removes all comments. Any per-user configuration files must be converted manually, with the conversion script if desired.  A sample <programlisting format="linespecific">pam_mount.conf.xml</programlisting> file with detailed comments about the available options appears at <programlisting format="linespecific">/usr/share/doc/pam_mount-*/pam_mount.conf.xml</programlisting>.</para>
-        </section><section id="">
-          <title>TeXLive </title>
-          <para>
-            <ulink url="http://www.tug.org/texlive/"> TeXLive</ulink>  is a replacement for the old, unmaintained TeX package.  It offers new style packages and fixes many security problems with the old distribution.</para>
-        </section><section id="">
-          <title>LTSP </title>
-          <para>The Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP) has been included directly into Fedora 9.  Work is ongoing.  For the latest news and documentation, refer to:</para>
-          <para>
-            <ulink url="http://k12linux.fedorahosted.org/">http://k12linux.fedorahosted.org/</ulink>
-          </para>
-        </section><section id="">
-          <title>Utility Packages </title>
-          <para>The <programlisting format="linespecific">nautilus-open-terminal</programlisting> package now uses a <emphasis>GConf</emphasis> key to control its behavior when launched by right-clicking the Desktop.  To enable its previous behavior, which opens the resulting terminal in the user's home directory, use this command:</para><para />
-          <programlisting>
-gconftool-2 -s /apps/nautilus-open-terminal/desktop_opens_home_dir --type=bool true
-          <para />
-          <para>The <programlisting format="linespecific">i810switch</programlisting> package has been removed.  This functionality is now available through the <programlisting format="linespecific">xrandr</programlisting> command in the <programlisting format="linespecific">xorg-x11-server-utils</programlisting> package.</para><para>The <programlisting format="linespecific">evolution-exchange</programlisting> package replaces <programlisting format="linespecific">evolution-connector</programlisting>, and provides a capability under the old name.</para><para>The <programlisting format="linespecific">system-config-firewall</programlisting> and <programlisting format="linespecific">system-config-selinux</programlisting> packages replace <programlisting format="linespecific">system-config-security-level</programlisting>.  The <programlisting format="linespecific">system-config-selinux</programlisting> package is part of the the <programlisting format="linespecific">policycoreut
 ils-gui</programlisting> package.</para>
-        </section><section id="">
-          <title>pilot-link and HAL/PolicyKit Interaction </title>
-          <para>The <programlisting format="linespecific">pilot-link</programlisting> package now blacklists the <programlisting format="linespecific">visor</programlisting> module by default. Users are encouraged to try the direct USB access present in recent versions of <programlisting format="linespecific">pilot-link</programlisting>. This is enabled by passing the <programlisting format="linespecific">--port usb:</programlisting> option to the various <programlisting format="linespecific">pilot-link</programlisting> tools, instead of the serial devices used in the past (typically <programlisting format="linespecific">/dev/pilot</programlisting> or <programlisting format="linespecific">/dev/ttyUSB0</programlisting>, <programlisting format="linespecific">/dev/ttyUSB1</programlisting>, and so forth). For example:</para><para />
-          <programlisting>
-pilot-xfer --port usb: --list
-          <para />
-          <para>The <programlisting format="linespecific">hal-info</programlisting> and <programlisting format="linespecific">hal</programlisting> packages have been updated to correctly set permissions for the necessary USB devices using PolicyKit. If you have any existing manual configurations, revert the changes to avoid possible conflicts.</para><para>For further information, refer to the <programlisting format="linespecific">README.fedora</programlisting> included in the <programlisting format="linespecific">pilot-link</programlisting> package.</para>
-        </section><section id="">
+	<section id="">
           <title>GIMP </title>
           <para> Fedora 10 includes version 2.6 of the GNU Image Manipulation Program.</para>
           <para>This new version is designed to be backwards compatible, so existing third party plug-ins and scripts should continue to work -- with a minor caveat: The included Script-Fu Scheme interpreter doesn't accept variable definitions without an initial value anymore (which isn't compliant to the language standard). Scripts included in Fedora packages should not have this problem, but if you use scripts from other sources, please refer to the <ulink url="http://www.gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.6.html"> GIMP Release notes</ulink> for more details and how you can fix scripts that have this problem.</para><para>Additionally, the <programlisting format="linespecific">gimptool</programlisting> script which is used to build and install third party plug-ins and scripts has been moved from the <programlisting format="linespecific">gimp</programlisting> to the <programlisting format="linespecific">gimp-devel</programlisting> package. Install this package if you want to use 
 <programlisting format="linespecific">gimptool</programlisting>.</para>
@@ -69,4 +27,4 @@ Portions Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Charlie Poole or Copyright (c) 2002-2004 James
\ No newline at end of file

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