Fedora links

Dave Pawson davep at dpawson.co.uk
Mon Aug 16 18:07:16 UTC 2004

I dutifully put a 'bug' report on the fedora bugzilla thingy,
but also wanted to announce that (over time) I'll be collating
a list of links all related to Fedora based software.

I probably will add a documentation section, since Mark was the 
first in there, but my primary aim is to link to alternatives
until we have our own suite of documentation.

E.g. If I can figure out how, whilst plowing through that
buzilla form, I came across a pull-down menu which seemed
to list the applications/tools in Fedora?
 Be nice to have such a list with links to the home pages,
LDP pages etc.

All contributions of the format:

Link: two line comment about 'why I think its useful'

Ideally only links to uri's which might be there in a few
months time, but yes, I agree....

http://www.dpawson.co.uk/fedora/links-en.html shows
it 'as is' today.

I'll group it by subject over time and feed it to Tammy when
it is less empty.

Regards DaveP.
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