Thoughts on Squid article

Gavin Henry gavin.henry at
Sat Feb 28 12:28:57 UTC 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 28 February 2004 01:11, Mike MacCana wrote:
> Thanks for your efforts, this is good stuff.
> Now for the feedback:
> * As the doc guide mentions, totorials should be task based. Eg 'Password
> File' isn't a title, 'Controlling Access to the Proxy' is. Likewise
> 'Installing and Configuring Squidguard' should be replaced with 'Content
> Filtering with Squidguard' 'Swatch'

I've not read the doc guide, so I haven't adhered to it. I had written this fo 
myself amd forgot I did it, hence the old date. 

That was the next stage in markup. :-)

> * Try and use general Linux or RH options for services. This aids
> consistency. Sure, someone could learn they need to run apachectl for
> apache httpd, smbd and nmbd for Samba, etc, but there's a reason we have
> initscripts. So yeah - use 'service squid restart' rather than 'squid -k'

Yeah, this was done on RH9, so I have still to update to Fedora. I was going 
to start from scratch to check it all worked on Fedora.

> * Users should use packages to install software. If the package comes with
> their distro, they should be told to use that package first. If they need
> to build their own custom package, they can install a source package. If
> there's no source package for an app, make one. cpna2rpm can help in your
> case.

It's just a case of deciding to stick with just the source, so everyone can 
use this guide, or give them options.

> * Pico isn't open source - but it is a great choice of editor. Pico
> won't be round in Fedora much longer cause of its licensing, so try Gnu
> nano an Open Source clone of pico, a great suggestion for newbies to
> use.

Again, this was done for RH9.

> Let's combine forces. I'm working on a Squid guide myself. Your guide
> includes a lot of good technology, mine's more task based, and similiar to
> Red Hat's other doco. There's a bit of overlap, and some stuff that one of
> use currently does better than the other (I have transparent caching, you
> have Squidguard).

OK, it's worth a thought. As long as you include my name. :-)

I think this should go to too, as they could do with one like 

> I'll import your content into my XML (for no reason other than mine has
> lots of tables I can't be bothered writing out again) next Monday and you
> can tell me if you're happy with it

I'll read it and let you know.

> Cheers,
> Mike
> --
> __________________________________________________________________________
> Mike MacCana 	         Consultant            RHCX, MCSE, MCP+I
> 			0419 394 504

- -- 
Kind Regards,
Gavin Henry.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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