meeting/no meeting? status via email

Karsten Wade kwade at
Tue Sep 4 14:48:36 UTC 2007

I can only attend about 30 minutes of the meeting time today.  We can
skip meeting, I think, as long as we make sure to provide updates to the
list of what is going on:

Sync-up with current state of F8 release 
      * one-sheet release notes 
      * beats 
      * IG 

Also, for those who don't keep up with fedora-advisory-board, there is a
change planned for the default Web browser start page that may land in
F8 test2.  I'm hoping we can salvage much of what is needed from the
current 'homepage' module, including translations.  I'll send more
information as it arrives.

- Karsten
        Karsten Wade              ^     Fedora Documentation Project 
 Sr. Developer Relations Mgr.     |        |          gpg key: AD0E0C41
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