Fedora account

Warren Togami wtogami at redhat.com
Tue Aug 9 01:47:44 UTC 2005

Fredrik Tolf wrote:
> As may be clear from the above, I'm not really particularly interested
> in having CVS access or being a maintainer, but rather I'm really just
> interested in developing and distributing icmpdn -- I've merely assumed
> that it is my responsibility for being able to have a package in FE,
> I'd. If that is not true, I'd appreciate a heads-up before I delve any
> deeper into this. Don't get me wrong, though, I'll happily assume the
> responsibility if indeed it is necessary.
> In contrast, in the Gentoo portage system, you just submit an ebuild to
> their bugzilla, and they make sure to get it into portage if it is
> approved. It's a lot less responsibility for the contributors, but I'm
> sure it's a lot more work for the Gentoo maintainers as well, and thus I
> more than well understand if this is not an option in FE. However, this
> entire process, necessary or not, is quite a threshold for people like
> me who just want to get a package into FE.

This is OK, in this case please find one of the Fedora Extras members to 
simply handle your Bugzilla requests to get changes into the repository 
on your behalf.  Perhaps Oliver Falk can do it?

We only ask that you (Fredrik) please have a Bugzilla account, so you 
can be auto-CC on bugs against this package.  Are you OK with this 

Warren Togami
wtogami at redhat.com

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