DKMS into Fedora Extras

seth vidal skvidal at
Mon Feb 21 20:47:18 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-02-21 at 12:37 -0800, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
> Changing the subject slightly.... Do we need another mailing list?  Breaking
> fedora-extras away from fedora-devel was very logical, but is breaking
> packaging discussions away from extras-list necessary at this point in time?
> How many people will want to be involved in extras-list but not packaging
> and vice versa?

it's not just for extras packaging - but for packaging discussions in
general at least that was my perspective. Also it keeps the packaging
discussion free of the 'this was built' and 'I want this' posts.

> Perhaps this is tied to the manner in which packages will be requested from
> now on.  If we use fedora-extras-list as presently, then it might be a good
> idea to have separate lists for discussion of how to package vs packages we
> want to include.  But if much of this is eventually going into a ticketting
> system then is there really enough traffic on extras to make that necessary?
> Was anything decided about this at FUDCon?
> I'm not against a separate list per se, I just think that the traffic
> doesn't justify needing a new list yet and the synthesis of keeping ideas
> from these two lists together is still worthwhile.

extras is for discussion of things going into extras.

packaging is to discuss packaging guidelines and rules for both extras
and core - that's why that discussion needed to move.

re: fudcon - lots of things came out of it - we're working on
implementing those now - fedora-packaging was one of them.


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