clamd handicraft work

Nathan Grennan fedora-extras-list at
Thu Jul 21 01:36:34 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-07-20 at 13:29 -0500, Steven Pritchard wrote:
> I've thought about this before, and I can't think of a good reason for
> amavisd-new not to require clamav.  If the daemon isn't running,
> amavisd-new will skip it, so nobody is forcing anyone to *use* clamav,
> just install it.
> Besides, even if someone uses another virus scanner, keeping clamav
> enabled makes a lot of sense...  It will often pick up things the
> other virus scanners won't pick up (like a lot of the phishing scam
> mails).

   So you plan to include the files, but not enable it by default and
make it a dependency? If you configure amavisd-new to look for the clamd
socket file, it will leave errors in the logs about not being able to
find it. Letting it detect the command line scanner by default is fine.
If you do make it a dependency, which would be logical when including
the files, then you have unnecessary dependency bloat. Also if other
packages are going to use clamav, it would be nice to keep use of
separate packages a standard way of doing things instead of some people
including them in their own package and others creating a separate

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