clamd handicraft work

Warren Togami wtogami at
Thu Jul 21 01:43:40 UTC 2005

Nathan Grennan wrote:
>    So you plan to include the files, but not enable it by default and
> make it a dependency? If you configure amavisd-new to look for the clamd
> socket file, it will leave errors in the logs about not being able to
> find it. Letting it detect the command line scanner by default is fine.
> If you do make it a dependency, which would be logical when including
> the files, then you have unnecessary dependency bloat.

I cannot say for certain because I personally have never used amavisd, 
but Nathan's reasoning above sounds good.

In order to be sure about making the right decision together, it would 
be helpful if we had both an amavisd-new and clamav-amavis package to 
analyze in concert in order to make a better determination about optimal 
defaults and how the packages should be split.

> Also if other
> packages are going to use clamav, it would be nice to keep use of
> separate packages a standard way of doing things instead of some people
> including them in their own package and others creating a separate
> package.

This is a good argument, IMHO.

Warren Togami
wtogami at

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