Core and Extras maintainers coordination

Greg DeKoenigsberg gdk at
Fri Jul 22 17:35:47 UTC 2005

On Fri, 22 Jul 2005, Nathan Grennan wrote:

> <pessimistic>
> So this means that extras will be second class for the foreseeable
> future. Since the build up of fedora infrastructure moves out a snail's
> pace.
> </pessimistic>

Since this appears to be nothing more than a deliberate attempt to annoy
people, I'll let it pass.
> <attempt at being optimistic> 
> Is there anything I can do to speed this up, or is this another case of
> having to wait for "the official people" to do it for themselves?
> </attempt at being optimistic>

Speed what up, exactly?  Here I return to your original note:

"Adding a dependency checking system to the build environment that
contains both core and extras packages would help detect the problems, and
help coordination. Realistically you can't just automatically rebuild the
dependencies in all cases. Hence some delay will have to be added if core
and extras are to stay in sync at all times. Giving the extras maintainers
notification and time to rebuild, or request a rebuild before an update is

So what are you proposing, exactly?  Are you offering to put together the 
depcheck code that you're alluding to here, and work with Dan and Seth to 
get it integrated into the build system?

Or are you offering hands to help speed up the deployment of the new build
system?  Are you offering to set up your own plague build box?  The code
is in CVS -- what's stopping you?

The only "official people" around here are the people who say, "I can help 
by doing THIS" and then stepping up and actually doing it.

So you're obviously very smart.  Make an offer to help, and do it in a 
way that doesn't sound like bitching.  

Or, put a sock in it.


_____________________  ____________________________________________
  Greg DeKoenigsberg ] [ the future masters of technology will have
 Community Relations ] [ to be lighthearted and intelligent.  the
             Red Hat ] [ machine easily masters the grim and the 
                     ] [ dumb.  --mcluhan

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