PHP packaging guidelines

Mike McGrath mmcgrath at
Fri May 26 03:00:02 UTC 2006

> Your comments are appreciated.

At this point my vote is for /usr/share/.  Why does /var/www/* even
exist?  Also, we should probably put in there a little note that says
that just because its a web app doesn't mean it can break FHS.  (I've
been guilty of this on more than one occasion).  Its the packagers job
to put logs in /var/log, cache or any other files that get written to
in their appropriate /var/ directory.  Exceptions to this should be

We've talked about this a bit on the list before but should we also
mention a "All web apps should be available to localhost only by
default" guideline.  I know most of what I'm talking about is general
web app guidelines, perhaps its time to re-evaluate them.  Unless
they're already out there and I'm not seeing them :-D


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