[Fedora-i18n-list] Mixed Success

James Ryan jamesr at totalinfosecurity.com
Wed Jul 7 08:17:28 UTC 2004

So far, I have Japanese input working in Evolution email and in
mozilla.  I cannot get it to work with any OpenOffice program, or with
the Opera browser, or with Konsole.  I can display Japanese in all of
these programs.  I can't find menus for "Input Method" on any of them.

I am starting them at the command line as follows:

#LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.UTF-8 oowriter

Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Also, when converting kana to kanji, I find it very difficult to see
which segment of the sentence I am converting.  Is there a way to set up
different display colors?  I've seen no documentation on
configuration/customization of IIim.  Help would be appreciated.


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