[Fedora-i18n-list] Japanese language related issues

Jens Petersen petersen at redhat.com
Wed Jun 2 03:44:40 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Hideo Smith <mhideo at redhat.com> writes:

    Michael> Thanks Noriko, Here's a link re: getting the
    Michael> foundations of bugzilla localised.

    Michael> http://www.bugzilla.org/dev/l10n-guide.html

Nice, however I understand that the Fedora JP people would
like to report and discuss bugs in Japanese and that is why
they would like to have their own bugzilla.

I can see both sides of the argument: a ja bugzilla could be
good for filtering out noise from erroneous bugs and if well
operating lead to more quality reports in the main bugzilla.
On the other hand if it doesn't work so well it could lead
to less reports in the main bugzilla which would be bad,
since then the problems reported might not get the early
attention they deserve.  Right now I don't think we're
getting flooded with i18n bugs, so filtering/triaging is not
so much an issue, but getting more quality bug reports would
be good.


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