xen7 networking issue?

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at gmail.com
Mon Mar 31 20:39:37 UTC 2008

Someone just reported that the wiki was down and I thought xen7 might 
have crashed again.  when I tried to ssh to it my connection timed out. 
  ping xen7 was fine.  I serial consoled in and then immediately tried 
to ssh to xen7 again.  it worked.  uptime showed that xen7 has been up 
since this morning and the app servers are all running, etc.  There are 
no iscsi errors in /var/log/messages.

Is there a possibility that we're experiencing some sort of networking 
issue with xen7?  Maybe that issue is exacerbating the iscsi bug that 
causes our xen hosts to crash?


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