revisit: turning some of the "always used" modules to built-in

Matt Domsch Matt_Domsch at
Sun Jun 22 23:04:46 UTC 2008

There is likely a difference between what should be built-in in Fedora
vs what should be in RHEL.  For RHEL, I really like the flexibility
that having something be modular allows.  I have, on many occasions,
needed to replace modules using DKMS, including libata, sd_mod,
scsi_mod, ahci, etc.  Basically anything that touches hardware
directly or one layer up.  Not often, but enough that I like
modularity for this possibility.  It has meant the difference between
being able to ship hardware, or not for another 6 months until new CDs
are spun...

Matt Domsch
Linux Technology Strategist, Dell Office of the CTO &

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