Novell/progeny to take up redhat legacy services

Chuck Wolber chuckw at
Mon Dec 8 20:58:42 UTC 2003

> > If someone lower on the chain breaks a rule/law/precept higher on the
> > chain, the group lower on the chain loses. Or as a lawyer I know put
> > it, "Herein fail at your peril".
> If you steal RedHat work which is covered under the SLA then you could
> be fined.  RedHat makes it very clear what you have to pay for and what
> you don't.

Good Lord, are people really this *DENSE*? For the two zillionth time, *I 

> RHEL is not a free product.  You are not free to copy it from computer
> to computer.

So remove the artwork and the non-gpl'd software and what's left over? A
fully functional system...

> It is the packaged artwork and possibly some of the configuration
> utilities that make it non-free.  Strip those out and you can do as you
> like.

So, like, yeah... Thanks for making that point...


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