GIMP 2 RPM for RedHat?

Boris Folgmann boris at
Mon Apr 19 17:43:34 UTC 2004

David Thompson schrieb:

> While I think that there will be value for some going down "upgrade to
> the newest version" path, I think it would be better to create a
> separate path "enhancements" for such things, while keeping a "main"
> path of "drop-in" fixes to existing versions.  If the expertise is

I've got the same opinion. With a favourite OS it should be possible to
upgrade the important mostly used applications, e.g. gimp, mozilla,
OpenOffice, without upgrading a bunch of libraries that may break other
things. For my personal taste such application upgrades were missing during
the RedHat Linux time. I hope that Fedora will be better. You get a lot
more trouble when upgrading to a whole new OS release compared to the
upgrade of a single application.


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