YUM help

Rick Johnson rjohnson at medata.com
Tue May 4 21:10:35 UTC 2004

Ugo Bellavance wrote:

>>I want to make sure my yum.conf file is correct... it seems 
>>strange to me that 
>>I should be getting a URL of 
>>The "Null" is the part that's throwing me... it appears that 
>>the mirrors are 
>>not synced yet... all I'm getting is "404" errors...
> I think the "Null" is the problem.  It looks that it cannot resolve the value of the $releasever variable.

In which case, define it manually using:

releasever="9" or whatnot.

Do you have a custom /etc/redhat.release file (or is it missing 

Also - pertaining to the original config:

 >name=Red Hat Linux $releasever updates

It could easily be said with a single baseurl= line, as long as each 
entry starts with one or more spaces or other white space. To simplify 
reordering the lines "as needed" in my case, I write it this way:


This allows me to reorder the list or comment out line by line in vim 
w/o needing to replace the first baseurl line. I'm not sure if defining 
it as above will superscede the previous definition or append. If the 
former, it's a bad thing, if the latter, then my way's just another way 
of going about it.

Additionally, the "updates" section may be redundant since 
updates-released usually contains Red Hat supplied updated as well as 
legacy packages.

Finally - I'm seeing a mix of two versions here. Part of the INI 
pertains to fedora core specifically, and the other part pertains to Red 
Hat 7.x-9.

Attached is a copy of my yum.conf which I use with Red Hat 8.0 (running 
Yum 2.x and an updated RPM). My Red Hat 9 config will soon look the same.


Rick Johnson, RHCE #807302311706007 - rjohnson at medata.com
Linux/Network Administrator - Medata, Inc.
PGP Public Key: https://mail.medata.com/pgp/rjohnson.asc
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