yum broken :p (quick replies)

Barbara Pennacchi b.pennacchi at istc.cnr.it
Wed Sep 15 18:32:39 UTC 2004

Hi, a quick round of replies:

---- "S.Joseph" <joseph at ndimedia.com> wrote:

> I use Apt on my RH9 , I'll try out Yum and let you know how my  
> experience

Aside from the fact that leaving the whole full quoted text below your  
reply doesn't look so nice in the eyes of some people, maybe I haven't  
made myself clear: until I updated python manually and only by a small  
notch, yum worked fine. I don't use apt so I cannot provide you with a  
comparison list.

---- Jeff Sheltren <sheltren at cs.ucsb.edu> wrote:

> https://lists.linux.duke.edu/mailman/listinfo/yum

I dunno why, but this url makes firefox hang till I do a kill -9. :-) with  
elinks works, though.

Been perusing in their bugzilla, though.

---- Eric Rostetter <rostetter at mail.utexas.edu> wrote:

> % ls /usr/bin/python*
> /usr/bin/python  /usr/bin/python2  /usr/bin/python2.2

actually /usr/bin/python2 is a symlink to /usr/bin/python

> for me, I changed that line to something like
> #!/usr/bin/python2

Tried that. Nope. Not even changing it to point to /usr/bin/python2.2  

I even went as far as poking my nose into /usr/share/yum/ and look at the  
header of the *.py files contained in it. didn't work

---- seth vidal <skvidal at phy.duke.edu> wrote:

> what need to update python for mailman? If you updated python outside of
> the packages in the tree - did you, perchance, use rpm --force --nodeps
> to update python?

needed to install the new version of mailman, followed their indications.  
And, nope, didn't do a rpm --force --nodeps (looked too radical for my  
tastes :-) I did a rpm -Uvh, instead.

> > In the meanwhile, it wouldn't be a bad idea to add a warning about
> > this on the pages related to using/installing yum. :-)

> Would the warning read something like this?:
> If you decide to break your install by forcing an incompatible package
> on top of it then things will break.

Nope, was thinking of somethink like "please take care when updating  
python by hand after installing yum" (duh!)

I don't know much of python, it is not my favorite scripting language.  
Whatever. Mine was just a suggestion geared toward people not python- 
proficient (hope that a friend of mine doesn't read this ML :-)

---- "S.Joseph" <joseph at ndimedia.com> wrote:

> Eric is right I installed 2.3 which installed as /usr/bin/python2.3,  I
> pointed the /usr/bin/python link to 2.3 and yum failed , I modified yum
> to use 2.2 and it worked again.

well, this is understandable, since it is a bit of a major upgrade. But I  
upgraded only from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3! (I thought it was a TINY upgrade :-)

End of the round of quick replies.

I did also a rpmquery -vv --requires on the two .rpms of yum (the older  
and the newest) to see if there was some tiny dependency that I missed  
(but, hey, the rpm -ivh didn't complain about dependencies and conflicts  
with python 2.2.3! and also the rpm -Uvh of python 2.2.3 went fine.)

Since my patience wears off easily, I decided to remove yum (rpm -e yum)  
and hunt down all the clutter left behind (like /usr/share/yum and /var/ 
cache/yum). Even moved my original yum.conf away from /etc/.

BTW, since I think someone asked me where the heck I got those packages,  
the yum packages were from dulug.duke.edu (built by seth), while the  
python packages was from www.python.org (built by some tummy.com ^-^)

I admit that all this has gotten way off-topic. Hope it all has been  
useful in some way to someone else.

I'll go bother the people in yum's mailing list now :-)

|                  USE EMAIL ADDRESS PROVIDED BELOW                  |
| Barbara Pennacchi                          b.pennacchi at istc.cnr.it |
|                 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche                 |
|         Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione          |
|                  V.le Marx 15, 00137 Roma, Italia                  |
|                      http://www.istc.cnr.it/                       |

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