separate emails to fedora-legacy-announce for each OS

Michal Jaegermann michal at
Wed Apr 27 22:54:16 UTC 2005

On Wed, Apr 27, 2005 at 05:51:00PM -0400, Matthew Miller wrote:
>  it's very easy to do better and more
> targetted queries with bugzilla -- but unfortunately it's hard to make short
> pretty URLs that do so. For example:

This I can do but there does not seem to be a way to do that via a
web interface unless status options happen to consist one interval.
Otherwise you have to type everything (well, at least once without
any misteakes, and yes, the previous word is not a mistake, and save
that as a bookmark for any possible combination which you may want -
and this can be quite a few).  I would really like to have things of
a 'bug_status!=CLOSED' sort but that does not seem to be available.

A way to specify sort criteria is also absent and how results are
sorted, if sorted at all, is somewhat mysterious.

> But then, look at the "Remember search" thing at the bottom of the
> page.

If you search always the same way.  Now if you will spread bug
reports a number of searches you will have to "remember" will grow


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