Wiki Permissions

Eric Rostetter rostetter at
Wed Jul 20 18:38:24 UTC 2005

Quoting seth vidal <skvidal at>:

> patent issues are right out from all things fedora afaict.

>From all their official sites yes, and I assume also from the wiki but
I don't know.
> why would even fedora legacy have patent-linked items?

FL is not putting them there.  They are user contributed links.  We don't
review them until after they are there, so we can't stop them (part of the
wonders of wikis).  So the question is two part:

1) Is it is a problem that people might add bad content, even if we later
   find and remove it, etc.
2) Should we instead make them submit package links to us for review?  Legally
   this adds additional burden on us.  It also makes more work for those
   who already have too much work.
3) Should we just kill the page, since it *might* violate RH/FP policy if
   someone abuses it?

We're not talking about the intended use of the page, we're talking about
abuse, etc.

Also, I'd have to remove the links to the repositories on their (ATrpms,
etc) since they likely have questionable packages, etc.  So we couldn't
use it to point to other sources anymore, just to peoples individual packages.
If indeed we can even do that.

What we need is a clear statement of policy on the wiki we're proposing to
move to.

> -sv

Eric Rostetter

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