Upcoming transition of FC3

Jeff Sheltren sheltren at cs.ucsb.edu
Mon Oct 24 21:57:24 UTC 2005

On Oct 24, 2005, at 5:10 PM, Eric Rostetter wrote:
> Anyway, as I said above, it is rather silly to argue about this until
> we decide how (in what package, etc) it is to be implemented.  I don't
> think we can truely know what the best state (enabled or disabled)  
> would
> be until we know what package we're talking about (a current package,
> a new package, etc).
Hi Eric, it will be different depending on if you are talking about  
fedora core < 5 or FC5 and newer.  For those like FC3, and FC4, we  
will provide our own package; for now I've named it legacy-yumconf.   
Those packages will not be incorporated into Fedora Core, they will  
need to be installed by the user of their own free will.  I think  
that everyone is in agreement that for these packages the legacy base  
and updates repos should be enabled by default.

For FC5 and newer, the plan is to have a legacy.repo file included by  
default.  I assume this would be included in the fedora-release RPM,  
which is what provides the other yum repo files, but that is up to  
the Fedora Steering Committee.


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